Monday, June 6, 2011

Bloom Where You're Planted

"Bloom Where You're Planted"

First off, Apologies to Greg Newbold. Let's just say your image inspired me and I had to personalize the message by doing my own version.

The Article is found in the June 2011 Edition of "The Ensign Magazine": a religiously themed magazine published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The article was a person's experience with frustration after ending up in a place where he didn't want to be. But a Dandelion growing out of a crack in a wall reminded him to "BLOOM WHERE YOU'RE PLANTED" which is exactly what he did. We cannot usually choose our circumstances, but we can change our attitude which can make what was once inhospitable into our personal sanctuary. That includes if the intolerable place is within one's own skin.

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